What to do when my friend betrayed my trust

A catoon of a friend pretending to get your back, but is actually pointing a knife at you
Do they get your back or are they gonna stab your back?

What does it mean when your friend betrayed your trust?

Betrayal of trust is a painful experience that can leave one feeling hurt, angry, and disillusioned. The betrayal itself may have some severe relationship or practical consequences as well, such as damage to your reputation. It can happen in various ways, such as sharing your private information, breaking a promise, spreading rumors, or leave you hanging when you need them the most. In this article, we will discuss what to do if a friend has betrayed your trust.

How to know if your friend has actually betrayed your trust?

The first step is to verify if the betrayal has actually occurred. It is important to avoid jumping to conclusions and accusing your friend without evidence. Before confronting your friend, take some time to reflect on the situation and try to gather as much information as possible. For example, if you suspect your friend has told someone a secret you have implicitly or explicitly asked him/her not to share with anyone else, ask the person who did they get the information from and under what circumstance did it occur. It may have slipped out of your friends mouth unintentionally.

What to do if the betrayal of trust did occur?

Assuming that the betrayal has occurred, the next step is to decide whether or not to forgive your friend. Forgiveness can be difficult, but sometimes it’s the only way to maintain a friendship you value. It may also strengthen your friendship by showing how much you value the company of the other person and makes them feel ashamed of themselves for having betrayed your trust, which will drastically decrease the chance of them doing it again, leading to a healthier relationship. Forgiving your friend means letting go of the feeling of anger and moving on from the situation. However, forgiveness should not be given lightly. It should only be given if your friend willingly acknowledges the betrayal, shows remorse, and is willing to make amends. For example, if your friend broke a promise to you, but has since apologized and made efforts to fulfill the promise, you may consider forgiving them. Similarly, if the betrayal occurred unintentionally, you may try to give them a second chance.

What to do if I decide to forgive my friend who has betrayed my trust?

If you do decide to forgive your friend, it is important to establish boundaries to prevent them from betraying your trust again. This means being clear about your expectations and communicating openly with your friend about what is and is not acceptable behavior. For example, if your friend betrayed your trust by gossiping about you, you may tell them that you will not tolerate any further discussions about your personal life behind your back. However, in most cases, it may be important to take a step back and withhold some of the trust that you may otherwise give to the specific friend, until they prove that they actually deserve it.

Times when you may consider not forgiving your friend who has betrayed your trust

There are, however, some scenarios where forgiveness may not be appropriate and may lead to a toxic relationship. For example, if your friend has repeatedly betrayed your trust, shown no remorse, or continues to engage in hurtful behavior, it may be necessary to end the friendship. In such cases, it is important to have a clean break-up. This means being honest and direct with your friend about why you can no longer continue the friendship. For example, if your friend has lied to you multiple times, you may say something like, “I can no longer trust you because of the lies you have told me. We can’t be friends anymore.”

If you do decide to end the friendship, it is important to take steps to protect yourself from getting hurt further. This may involve cutting off all contact with your friend, blocking them on social media, or avoiding places where you may run into them. It may also be helpful to seek support from other friends or a therapist to help you process your emotions and move on from the situation. After a certain period of time, you may restore interaction with the said person. Treat them politely and fairly, but do not show any interest, affection or intimacy, this will help them to move on as well, which will prevent them making dumb decisions that end up hurting you both.

How do I earn my friend’s trust back after I have betrayed it?

Lastly, if you want to earn back a friend’s trust after betraying them, it is important to take responsibility for your actions, show genuine remorse, and make amends. This may involve apologizing, trying to fix the consequences you have incurred, reflecting on yourself and communicating with your friend about your plan and resolve to earn back their trust, and finally, demonstrating over time that you can do it. For example, if you betrayed your friend by spreading rumors about them, you may need to publicly apologize, stop gossiping, and work to repair the damage that you caused.


In conclusion, betrayal of trust is a difficult situation to navigate, but it is possible to recover from it. Whether you choose to forgive your friend or end the friendship, it is important to prioritize your own well-being and establish clear boundaries to protect yourself from future harm.

Friends holding hands as a symbol of forgiveness after betrayal of trust
Everyone hopes that their friend wasn’t intentional or they will not make the same mistake twice. But unfortunately that’s not always the case.

Useful Links

Jordan Peterson explains what to do when you have been betrayed

An animation by MSA previously My Story Animated about the story of a girl who has been betrayed by her best friend